diddalitla: nytt 222
diddalitla: 28.maí 2007 077
diddalitla: júní 223
diddalitla: júní 001
diddalitla: Krít 112
diddalitla: Krít 554
diddalitla: ágúst 083
diddalitla: sept-okt- 056
diddalitla: sept-okt- 041
diddalitla: to be sad or not to be sad,,,
diddalitla: frostrósir
diddalitla: the angel that watches over us
diddalitla: little drops of frost
diddalitla: eyes eyes eyes,, just playing
diddalitla: candlelight gets you trough the dark and lonely days
diddalitla: vaskur - new family addition
diddalitla: Vaskur
diddalitla: Sometimes things seem black and white when we really need to grasp some color
diddalitla: we rise and fall
diddalitla: attention to details
diddalitla: bright and romantic
diddalitla: black and white
diddalitla: the rose means so much in life,,,
diddalitla: love, friendship, compassion, sympathy, forgiveness,,,,
diddalitla: ,,,and endless beauty.
diddalitla: a beautiful guest at my doorstep
diddalitla: We can never be sure if we are all alone or if there is someone there with us beyond our reach
diddalitla: beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
diddalitla: we see things in different ways, but we should always make room for other opinions than our own