PLawston: Angouleme
PLawston: Old Shop Sign
PLawston: Plop Plop!!!
PLawston: Street Mural
PLawston: Hotel de Ville
PLawston: Angouleme
PLawston: Cathedral
PLawston: Old Alley
PLawston: Cathedral Front
PLawston: Another Old Church
PLawston: Worse that that! It is Reality!!
PLawston: Hotel de Ville
PLawston: Restaurant with a View
PLawston: Old Streets
PLawston: Church Spire
PLawston: Abbey at Brantome
PLawston: Brantome
PLawston: Bridge in Brantome
PLawston: Brantome
PLawston: Church in Sainte Nathalene
PLawston: Three Bells
PLawston: Bell
PLawston: Bells!
PLawston: Pretty Cottage
PLawston: Sarlat Street
PLawston: Little Alley
PLawston: Medeival Buildings
PLawston: Sarlat la Canéda
PLawston: Town Square
PLawston: Old Building