Dick DB: Indische Nimmerzat 1
Dick DB: P9130175
Dick DB: P8090355
Dick DB: P8090473
Dick DB: P6040945
Dick DB: P6040914
Dick DB: Golden pheasant
Dick DB: P6040950
Dick DB: Eagle on focus
Dick DB: Stork 2
Dick DB: Stork 1
Dick DB: Great tit in the garden
Dick DB: Great tit in the garden 2
Dick DB: Great tit no. 3
Dick DB: P5160090
Dick DB: Jufferkraanvogel
Dick DB: Jufferkraanvogel
Dick DB: P5250166
Dick DB: P5250245
Dick DB: P6040881
Dick DB: P5161266
Dick DB: P5161546
Dick DB: P5161714
Dick DB: P5161743
Dick DB: Hoenderkoet (mannetje)
Dick DB: Hoenderkoet (vrouwtje)
Dick DB: P5161646
Dick DB: P5161529
Dick DB: Muscovy Duck (Muskuseend)
Dick DB: City ducks 3