Bells On and On: Therapy Drawing • 2.12.07
Bells On and On: Art Therapy • 2.5.07
Bells On and On: Therapy Drawing • 2.19.07
Bells On and On: Therapy Drawing • 2.26.07
Bells On and On: Sketchbook • 3.8.07
Bells On and On: Dancing • 4/07
Bells On and On: Once You're In It, You're In It • 4/07
Bells On and On: Matter • 3.07
Bells On and On: The Layout
Bells On and On: Metra Doodles
Bells On and On: I think a stop at target is in order
Bells On and On: a closed system
Bells On and On: How the sun looks when I close my eyes.
Bells On and On: I have a headache
Bells On and On: 1 of 365 Post-its • 16Feb2009
Bells On and On: 4 of 365 Post-its • 2.19.09