dibytes: Just where do you think you're going with that suitcase?
dibytes: Goodbye winter!
dibytes: Is this chair taken?
dibytes: Breakfast!
dibytes: Es muy hermosa señora
dibytes: The Beach Goes on Forever!
dibytes: Surf's Up!
dibytes: Beached Whale?
dibytes: ¡Hasta la vista!
dibytes: Fish Out of Water?
dibytes: Relax...but hurry!
dibytes: Muse
dibytes: I wonder if I need sunscreen...
dibytes: Layers of pink
dibytes: Roses are red...
dibytes: This lap is taken!
dibytes: Awakening
dibytes: Peeking Out
dibytes: Le bon mot
dibytes: Drink
dibytes: What now?
dibytes: A Glimpse of Spring Through Cellophane
dibytes: Just add puddles!
dibytes: Expanding My View
dibytes: The Great Canadian Lineup
dibytes: Gone Fishin'
dibytes: Connecting
dibytes: As Far As the Eye Can See...