dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0359...mermaid card holder
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0355..Goddess Brighid
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0354...Goddess Brighid
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0272%2CMerrilee+Angel+front_copy
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0273%2CMerrilee+Angel+back_copy
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0350, closer view of Shook Me doll
dibbledabble1dolls: Faery of the Sea
dibbledabble1dolls: Miss Carole Li D'Rob
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0445--another view
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0443-challenge doll
dibbledabble1dolls: HPIM0446--back view
dibbledabble1dolls: kudos to the wizard the tin man's bride5
dibbledabble1dolls: kudos to the wizard the tin man's bride6
dibbledabble1dolls: Luna Cobalta--spaced out fairy
dibbledabble1dolls: acrobat inspiration
dibbledabble1dolls: acrobat back
dibbledabble1dolls: 1bb7re2Sunni maypole faery