A_sin 1968:
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
"Borboleta", Common Brimstone(Gonepteryx rhamni) - em Liberdade [in Wild]
Helen Orozco:
So Dangerous!!
Eric Gofreed:
Pogonomyrmex (Harvester Ants)
Roland Bogush:
Mating Tiger Craneflies - Nephrotoma flavescens
dearAN .G:
Hummingbird hawk moth and lavender flower
Gennaro Manna:
Averla piccola
Ian H. Neilson:
Ian H. Neilson "True Love"
Gannet, showing off.
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
Lontra, River Otter (Lutra lutra) - em Liberdade [WildLife]
King Penguins, Falklands.
Tambutsoo Photography:
rio en medio - Jose On/Off:
Mariposa - Coenonympha pamphilus
royal JOHOR macro:
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Chinese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea pernyi, Saturniidae)
Roland Bogush:
St Mark's flies making more St Mark's flies
Cimarrón Mayor 19,000.000. VISITAS GRACIAS:
1-Yo soy Señor Durito, no soy un bicho ni escarabajo. Yo soy Señor Durito, heroe de niños y de ancianos.Con mi estirpe de caballero clavo mi lanza de buen lancero(L.Gieco).Para el amo y rey de lo diminuto,mi amigo Pedro Requena( Alcedofoto)
Stephen Little:
137/365: My first confirmed Cicadas sighting of 2013 (a Brood II Magicicada septendecim, sometimes called the Pharaoh Cicada or the 17-year Locust) [Explored]
Cliff Collings Photography:
Green Anole 6
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Tessaratomid Giant Shield Bug Nymph (Tessaratomidae)
Jean-Yves JUGUET :
Les Mursi (Tribu de la vallée de l'Omo, Ethiopie) - The Mursi (Tribe of the Omo Valley, Ethiopia)
euskadi 69:
Geneviève Karlsson:
Platycnemis acutipennis, le Pennipatte orangé ou l'Agrion orangé 1