diastema: He still likes to play fetch.
diastema: Meg Greer would laugh at this dog.
diastema: Is it really so strange?
diastema: attacked
diastema: regaled with tales of derring-do
diastema: We have dickuhne to thank for this one.
diastema: Teddy suffers from flashbacks.
diastema: Another vacation is ruined by monkeys.
diastema: He'll have to snack his way out of this one.
diastema: Even Teddy
diastema: Teddy Salad loves you.
diastema: It's okay, Teddy.
diastema: Well, his last name IS Salad.
diastema: Teddy hates grapefruit.
diastema: When life hands Teddy lemons...