citymaus: downtown oakland plan kick-off event
citymaus: mayor libby schaaf giving opening speech
citymaus: Dover consultant
citymaus: Dan from Opticos
citymaus: on-screen survey of attendees
citymaus: clicker to use for on-screen survey
citymaus: the rotunda ceiling
citymaus: charrette open studio
citymaus: charrette open studio
citymaus: charrette open studio
citymaus: charrette open studio
citymaus: opticos and dover kohl present
citymaus: performance by Town Rise Up
citymaus: 14th street "arts district" streetscape rendering
citymaus: 14th street "arts district" streetscape rendering
citymaus: slower, safer streets
citymaus: san pablo/17th plaza - detail
citymaus: san pablo/17th plaza
citymaus: how to solve affordability issues?
citymaus: catered food in the lobby
citymaus: "Work-in-Progress Presentation" email reminder
citymaus: Downtown Oakland Circulation Study
citymaus: Downtown Oakland Circulation Study
citymaus: downtown oakland plan open house
citymaus: downtown oakland plan open house
citymaus: downtown oakland plan open house
citymaus: downtown oakland plan open house
citymaus: Affordability & Equity
citymaus: sketch of possible Webster St green connection Downtown to Jack London area
citymaus: Arti Harchekar (opticos) — plan options