citymaus: "Fort Awesome"
citymaus: "Fort Awesome"
citymaus: "the tallboy" sans olympia tallboy
citymaus: underneath st. johns bridge
citymaus: st johns bridge
citymaus: st johns bridge
citymaus: fried chicken! @son of a biscuit
citymaus: downed parking regulations
citymaus: new bioswales
citymaus: new widened sidewalk for bus boarding
citymaus: integrated bus stop + seat
citymaus: kids' bikes parked
citymaus: stolen CD collection!
citymaus: barebones tepee with tied-up teddy bear
citymaus: dog mountain trailhead
citymaus: dog mountain trailhead
citymaus: train rolling through
citymaus: view from dog mountain
citymaus: view from dog mountain
citymaus: dog mountain
citymaus: dog mountain
citymaus: dog mountain
citymaus: at the top of dog mountain
citymaus: at the top of dog mountain
citymaus: the forest
citymaus: walking, hiking
citymaus: walking, hiking
citymaus: moss-covered tree
citymaus: dog mountain