Diane DJ2: Kavidu (Galle)
Diane DJ2: Guardstone in Polonnaruwa
Diane DJ2: Oil lamps at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth
Diane DJ2: Reclining Buddha in Dambulla
Diane DJ2: A mahout takes a tumble in Dambulla
Diane DJ2: Short Eats on Negombo beach
Diane DJ2: Ruvanvelisaya Dagoba in Anuradhapura
Diane DJ2: Primary colours
Diane DJ2: Pole position
Diane DJ2: Pinapple juice
Diane DJ2: On the way to the temple
Diane DJ2: On the road to Ella
Diane DJ2: Near Liptons seat
Diane DJ2: Mannar fishing harbour
Diane DJ2: Landing on Negombo beach
Diane DJ2: In Polonnaruwa
Diane DJ2: Illustrated Jataka tales at Kataluwa Purwarama temple
Diane DJ2: Egret on Parakrama Samudra
Diane DJ2: Sunset on Parakrama Samudra
Diane DJ2: Coconut oil on Butala market
Diane DJ2: Cheerful monk at Degal Doruwa Raja Maha Vihara (Kandy)
Diane DJ2: Candy coloured Ganesha
Diane DJ2: Buddhist ex-voto near Arugam Bay
Diane DJ2: Breadmobile
Diane DJ2: At the temple
Diane DJ2: An easy way to get the coconuts
Diane DJ2: 6 am on Tangalla beach
Diane DJ2: Offering
Diane DJ2: Palmyra trees at sunset on Upuvelli beach
Diane DJ2: Room #9, Beach Hut hotel, Arugam Bay (2,500 Rs)