Diane and Don's photos:
With our wonderful wait staff, Maggie and Teddy
Diane and Don's photos:
The crew's fabulous show - Maggie's in here somewhere
Diane and Don's photos:
Payment for Great Salamander
Diane and Don's photos:
The Captain's dinner - last night on the ship
Diane and Don's photos:
Richard and Bonnie - sitting right next to us!
Diane and Don's photos:
Chris and Lindsay - the young'uns at the table
Diane and Don's photos:
Connie and Ray - table buddies
Diane and Don's photos:
Bonnie and Richard in Heaven!
Diane and Don's photos:
Close up of the upper Heaven
Diane and Don's photos:
two levels above Heaven!!
Diane and Don's photos:
The Great Salamander- after the move!
Diane and Don's photos:
The Great Salamander- before he moved
Diane and Don's photos:
The Great Salamander- eyeing dinner
Diane and Don's photos:
The Great Salamander- from a distance
Diane and Don's photos:
Still in Heaven
Diane and Don's photos:
We've reached Heaven!
Diane and Don's photos:
Before walking up to heaven at the Pagoda
Diane and Don's photos:
Our SWEET table 17
Diane and Don's photos:
Richard and Bonnie at the BAR
Diane and Don's photos:
At the BAR
Diane and Don's photos:
suspended coffin - thousands of years B.C.-2
Diane and Don's photos:
suspended coffin - thousands of years B.C.
Diane and Don's photos:
close up of pack animals
Diane and Don's photos:
pack animals on work boat
Diane and Don's photos:
fishing net
Diane and Don's photos:
terraced farming
Diane and Don's photos:
natural cave in side of granite cliff
Diane and Don's photos:
good view of the high water mark
Diane and Don's photos:
Canola flowers
Diane and Don's photos:
homes of farmers on high land