Diane831: This is my good side!
Diane831: Hey, wait for me.
Diane831: Look, I'm a motorboat.
Diane831: I'll race you.
Diane831: I'm winning, I'm winning.
Diane831: Time for a pedicure?
Diane831: Duck #1
Diane831: Where's the wife?
Diane831: That husband of mine can get lost in a paperbag!
Diane831: Hey, when does this restaurant open?
Diane831: Do I have something in my teeth?
Diane831: Which way to the food?
Diane831: Ahhh...this feels good.
Diane831: Don't I look good?
Diane831: ...and did you hear that Florence dyes her feathers?
Diane831: Sure, I'll pose for you.
Diane831: Hey buddy, get out of the picture.
Diane831: Quick, take the picture, I'm hungry!
Diane831: Robin with lunch