Diamond Geyser: A very model of the modern major general.
Diamond Geyser: We have a reservation...
Diamond Geyser: Mmmmm...
Diamond Geyser: Not for supping
Diamond Geyser: Waiting For The Rapture
Diamond Geyser: In which The Trap serenade a lovely lady...
Diamond Geyser: In which The Trap serenade a lovely lady... using tenacity
Diamond Geyser: In which The Trap serenade a lovely lady... using wit
Diamond Geyser: In which The Trap serenade a lovely lady... using musical genius
Diamond Geyser: In which The Trap serenade a lovely lady... using playful cuffing
Diamond Geyser: In which The Trap serenade a lovely lady... using fire-engine mime
Diamond Geyser: His life is brilliant. His love is pure.
Diamond Geyser: Spleen Dog
Diamond Geyser: He vonts to ask you some qvestions. Ja?
Diamond Geyser: He vonts to ask you some qvestions about a rinky dink panther.
Diamond Geyser: It really is as plain as your nose.
Diamond Geyser: The one and only truly original.
Diamond Geyser: Alan Bennet.
Diamond Geyser: "Plastic! plastic!"
Diamond Geyser: "Tesco! Plastic!"
Diamond Geyser: "Polar bear!"
Diamond Geyser: "Plastic! Seal!"
Diamond Geyser: "Plastic! PLASTIC!"
Diamond Geyser: Hey Ja (aargh aargh)
Diamond Geyser: Hey Ha (aah haa)
Diamond Geyser: The Needles
Diamond Geyser: The Needles
Diamond Geyser: The Needles
Diamond Geyser: The Needles
Diamond Geyser: The Needles