Diamanda Gustafson: Then the flower, growing jealo(p)us of the tentacles, grows its own.
Diamanda Gustafson: Flowers In Her Tentacles
Diamanda Gustafson: Even Jealopuses get the blues
Diamanda Gustafson: If Erik Satie had written Jealopedie instead
Diamanda Gustafson: The Jealopus in Historic Context
Diamanda Gustafson: The Jealopus, workplace edition
Diamanda Gustafson: Jealepilogue
Diamanda Gustafson: The Hands That Drew
Diamanda Gustafson: Red lady with red herring
Diamanda Gustafson: Dia G live at Blue Orange
Diamanda Gustafson: Encore une fois
Diamanda Gustafson: i came over to see if you are still okay