Dianne Hyem: Cat-in-snow
Dianne Hyem: On the fence.
Dianne Hyem: Potty pussycat
Dianne Hyem: Hunter-05.02.12.
Dianne Hyem: Hunter-02.06.12
Dianne Hyem: Hunter-28.08.12
Dianne Hyem: Snow-what-snow
Dianne Hyem: Looking-slightly-battered-now...
Dianne Hyem: Blue-2-12.08.13
Dianne Hyem: H-on-waterbutt
Dianne Hyem: Bumble-bee-two-11.08.13
Dianne Hyem: Dragonfly-one
Dianne Hyem: Notice-the-ant..
Dianne Hyem: Moth-11.08.13 Fluttering its wings....
Dianne Hyem: I-am-still-here
Dianne Hyem: A-cats-prayer
Dianne Hyem: Horatio...
Dianne Hyem: H-24.03.14
Dianne Hyem: H-Just been having a roll looking slightly dusty..but I liked the expression.
Dianne Hyem: Hunter-07.09.14
Dianne Hyem: Amber-eyes
Dianne Hyem: Just-sunnin'
Dianne Hyem: Autumn-rays....