diahdog: Roma Termini Station
diahdog: Oops! We don't have reserved seats...but I thought this was Eurostar!
diahdog: Luca's apartment in the Oltrarno
diahdog: il soppalco
diahdog: below piazzale michelangelo
diahdog: pop and milo mess around
diahdog: while mamma is getting provisions
diahdog: a simple dinner
diahdog: luca's home! reunion after 6 years
diahdog: milo makes a friend at the local bar
diahdog: I know what's fun to do when it's 100 degrees out...
diahdog: walk up a hill!
diahdog: italian building permit
diahdog: forte di belvedere
diahdog: what #$%#$ language is this?
diahdog: son...the medici tag everything
diahdog: take a picture of us for scale
diahdog: via di san niccolò
diahdog: first glimpse of santa croce
diahdog: same as it ever was
diahdog: we really love this piazza
diahdog: luca home from work
diahdog: prepares a great meal
diahdog: mamma luca reading milo a bedtime story
diahdog: hai mangiato bene?