DianthusMoon: Hosts of 10! LuAnn Kahn and Bill Henley
DianthusMoon: Bill Giles, Phillies General Manager
DianthusMoon: 10show 003
DianthusMoon: LuAnn really wanted Cliff to be on the show
DianthusMoon: Cliff Lee coming out to be interviewed
DianthusMoon: Cliff Lee, Bill Giles, LuAnn Kahn (hostess), Bill Henley(host)
DianthusMoon: Cliff Lee being interviewed
DianthusMoon: Cliff Lee-ace pitcher!
DianthusMoon: Sean in mid clap
DianthusMoon: Wow, we're on tv a long time!
DianthusMoon: Clappin in the audience
DianthusMoon: Seeing ourselves on the monitor
DianthusMoon: Us in the audience
DianthusMoon: Phillies challenge time!
DianthusMoon: The audience of the 10! Show
DianthusMoon: Dianne and Sean in the audience
DianthusMoon: Us in the audience!
DianthusMoon: Showing Lee what Hamels did a few weeks earlier
DianthusMoon: Pitching for prizes for the audience
DianthusMoon: Cliff Lee doing a pitching game
DianthusMoon: Cliff Lee about to pitch a bean bag
DianthusMoon: LuAnn holds the target
DianthusMoon: Challenging Cliff Lee to a beanbag toss
DianthusMoon: Pitcher Cliff Lee tossing beanbags
DianthusMoon: Showing Cliff Lee the giveaway
DianthusMoon: Giveaway-Phillies poster
DianthusMoon: Check for Cade Kids
DianthusMoon: 10! Show gives big check to Phillies
DianthusMoon: LuAnn tasting the Eggplant Pizza
DianthusMoon: Cynthia Goch makes Eggplant Pizza