DianthusMoon: View of stage from our seats
DianthusMoon: View of stage from our seats
DianthusMoon: Sean shaking hands with PSU staff
DianthusMoon: Sean with his degrees in hand
DianthusMoon: Sean's Penn State graduation-Eisenhower auditorium
DianthusMoon: Sean's Penn State graduation-Eisenhower auditorium
DianthusMoon: Sean's Penn State graduation-with his dad
DianthusMoon: Sean's Penn State graduation-with his mom
DianthusMoon: Sean's Penn State graduation-with his mom
DianthusMoon: Banners of Earth Science majors
DianthusMoon: Sean near lion's paw
DianthusMoon: PSU Palmer Museum of Art
DianthusMoon: Near PSU Palmer Museum of Art
DianthusMoon: Sean posing near art museum
DianthusMoon: Sean posing next to modern art
DianthusMoon: Sean and Brian
DianthusMoon: Posing with the graduate the next day
DianthusMoon: Mother and child
DianthusMoon: Deer Mosiac
DianthusMoon: Crucifix
DianthusMoon: More portraits
DianthusMoon: Formal portrait of a lady
DianthusMoon: Formal portrait of a couple
DianthusMoon: Formal portrait of a lady
DianthusMoon: Chinese sculptures-very old
DianthusMoon: Sean eating Peachy Paterno ice cream
DianthusMoon: Sean in front of the famous Berkey creamery at PSU
DianthusMoon: Sean in front of the famous Berkey creamery at PSU
DianthusMoon: Large fish tank in student union
DianthusMoon: Sean near sign for LION radio station