DianthusMoon: Close up of the people waiting for the ceremony
DianthusMoon: West side of Capitol where the Inaugration will take place
DianthusMoon: The Mall with the sea of people
DianthusMoon: Former and new in silhouette
DianthusMoon: Obama and Bush leave for the ceremony
DianthusMoon: Obama and Bush leave for the ceremony
DianthusMoon: Leaving the White House for the Capitol
DianthusMoon: Motorcade to Capitol
DianthusMoon: Former Prez Jimmy Carter and Roslyn Carter
DianthusMoon: Former Prez Jimmy Carter and Roslyn Carter
DianthusMoon: Former Prez Bush and Barbara Bush
DianthusMoon: Former President Bill Clinton and Sec of State Hillary Clinton
DianthusMoon: Huge crowds wait for the Inauguration
DianthusMoon: Hillary Clinton and Former President Bush
DianthusMoon: The Obama Girls and their grandmom
DianthusMoon: The Obama girls take their seats
DianthusMoon: Bill and Hillary Clinton
DianthusMoon: Michelle Obama and Jill Biden
DianthusMoon: Mother-in-law, daughter and sister of the new Prez
DianthusMoon: Where are all the porta-potties?
DianthusMoon: New First Lady Michelle Obama waving
DianthusMoon: West side of the Capitol
DianthusMoon: Cheyney looks beaten down in a wheelchair
DianthusMoon: New First Lady Michelle Obama
DianthusMoon: About to become the new VP- Sen Joe Biden
DianthusMoon: About to become the new VP- Sen Joe Biden
DianthusMoon: Former Prez George Bush and Laura Bush
DianthusMoon: Thinking about the task ahead
DianthusMoon: Where is his big smile?
DianthusMoon: A very Sober or reflective Obama