DianthusMoon: James Taylor sings during the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2008
DianthusMoon: James Taylor sings in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2008
DianthusMoon: James Taylor sings in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2008
DianthusMoon: James Taylor sings in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2008
DianthusMoon: James Taylor sings in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2008
DianthusMoon: James Taylor on the Tonight Show
DianthusMoon: JT walking on stage at the Oprah Show
DianthusMoon: JT walking on stage at the Oprah Show
DianthusMoon: JT walking on stage at the Oprah Show
DianthusMoon: JT covers
DianthusMoon: On stage on the Oprah show
DianthusMoon: You've Got A Friend-JT
DianthusMoon: You've Got A Friend-JT
DianthusMoon: You've Got A Friend-JT
DianthusMoon: You've Got A Friend-JT
DianthusMoon: James Taylor surrounded by his lps covers
DianthusMoon: James Taylor surrounded by his lps covers
DianthusMoon: James Taylor surrounded by his lps covers
DianthusMoon: James Taylor on The Oprah Winfrey Show
DianthusMoon: James Taylor on The Oprah Winfrey Show
DianthusMoon: The end of James performance
DianthusMoon: Fade out of JT
DianthusMoon: Stroking the guitar
DianthusMoon: Singing JT
DianthusMoon: James in retrospect
DianthusMoon: A neat stage for JT
DianthusMoon: James with the troubled JT lp behind him
DianthusMoon: James sessions for the new lp
DianthusMoon: Smiling James
DianthusMoon: The Oprah Winfrey stage set for James