Diabolu80: IMGP1025
Diabolu80: IMGP1026
Diabolu80: IMGP1039
Diabolu80: IMG00322-20091012-1243
Diabolu80: IMG00323-20091012-1420
Diabolu80: IMG00324-20091012-1443
Diabolu80: IMG00325-20091013-1410
Diabolu80: IMG00326-20091013-1422
Diabolu80: IMG00327-20091013-1615
Diabolu80: IMGP0993
Diabolu80: repairpanel
Diabolu80: IMGP1029
Diabolu80: IMGP1031
Diabolu80: IMGP1032
Diabolu80: IMGP1033
Diabolu80: IMGP1035
Diabolu80: IMGP1036
Diabolu80: IMGP1037
Diabolu80: IMGP1038
Diabolu80: IMGP1040
Diabolu80: IMGP1179
Diabolu80: Front corner
Diabolu80: Door sill done :D
Diabolu80: Oh... And taken the door off to be sent for a quick sill repair
Diabolu80: Rear corner
Diabolu80: Just about to be sprayed (primer)
Diabolu80: IMG_0132
Diabolu80: GET IN!!!!!!!!!
Diabolu80: Sans Stripes
Diabolu80: Arch Flare 2