Darkhorse Winterwolf: Unknown primate
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Crested porcupine
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Unknown primate
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Lunch time!
Darkhorse Winterwolf: A cold day for bat eared foxes
Darkhorse Winterwolf: How to keep one's nose warm in the colder months
Darkhorse Winterwolf: This is the face of someone woken up by loud kids
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Stanley Crane
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Black Headed Weaver Bird
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Northern Balled Ibis
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Black-crowned Night Heron
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Unknown bird
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Unknown bird
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Recharging Coati
Darkhorse Winterwolf: I think he's seen me…
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Compare them
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Snow leopards
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Snow leopard
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Spectacled owl
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Great Grey Owl
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Collared Peccary
Darkhorse Winterwolf: Capybara does not approve