dhobern: Ephemeroptera sp.
dhobern: Chrysoperla carnea
dhobern: Hymenoptera sp.
dhobern: Diptera sp.
dhobern: Diptera sp.
dhobern: Diptera sp.
dhobern: Anomoia purmunda
dhobern: Tephritis hyoscyami
dhobern: Tephritis hyoscyami
dhobern: Elasmostethus interstinctus
dhobern: Allygus mixtus
dhobern: Allygus mixtus
dhobern: Carabidae sp.
dhobern: Carabidae sp.
dhobern: Cyphon sp.
dhobern: Necrodes littoralis
dhobern: Necrodes littoralis
dhobern: Necrodes littoralis
dhobern: Rhagonycha fulva
dhobern: Anotylus rugosus
dhobern: Anotylus rugosus and Ephemeroptera sp.
dhobern: Limnephilus sp.
dhobern: Limnephilus sp.
dhobern: Limnephilus sp.
dhobern: Hydroptilidae sp.
dhobern: Yponomeuta evonymella
dhobern: Yponomeuta evonymella
dhobern: Yponomeuta evonymella
dhobern: Yponomeuta sp. and Calybites phasianipennella
dhobern: Argyresthia goedartella