dhmspector: Ow! Watch where you put those scissors!!!
dhmspector: P1000017.JPG
dhmspector: P1000018.JPG
dhmspector: Dr. Godfried applying the first cast
dhmspector: P1000020.JPG
dhmspector: P1000023.JPG
dhmspector: P1000024.JPG
dhmspector: P1000025.JPG
dhmspector: P1000026.JPG
dhmspector: Ms. Smith.. if he'd only had quick-releasing bindings on those skis...
dhmspector: Dr: Godfried: "..and the best part is that the toes are even more ticklish with the casts." Michelle: "Really?! Cool!"
dhmspector: Hmmm... more yummy mommy finger... hey! Wait! Who is messing with my leg?!?!
dhmspector: A Little Known Fact™: Babies can nurse from their mommy's pinkies!
dhmspector: Waiting for the Dr.
dhmspector: Cast Adornments
dhmspector: Bear Feet!
dhmspector: Just in case we forget his name :)
dhmspector: IMG_2228.JPG
dhmspector: lots of progress after the first casts
dhmspector: Removing casts in prep. for teh 2nd set
dhmspector: P1000081.JPG
dhmspector: Getting the right alignment
dhmspector: P1000091.JPG
dhmspector: So, with these new bionic legs I can do 80MPH?
dhmspector: P1000080.JPG
dhmspector: P1000088.JPG
dhmspector: P1000077.JPG
dhmspector: P1000082.JPG
dhmspector: P1000073.JPG
dhmspector: P1000074.JPG