dhmig: dolce e tenero, con lo sguardo perso nel nulla
dhmig: una foto tira l'altra ...
dhmig: occhi di ghiaccio
dhmig: ti tengo d'occhio
dhmig: mai fidarsi delle apparenze
dhmig: in posa
dhmig: riflessivo
dhmig: sguardo magnetico
dhmig: il sole bacia i belli!
dhmig: ridere sotto i baffi
dhmig: in posa (esperimento)
dhmig: Sophie
dhmig: dettagli in primo piano
dhmig: Cora
dhmig: sogni d'oro
dhmig: dolce far niente
dhmig: se mi concentro ...
dhmig: Sophie's relaxing day (as usual)
dhmig: All I need is your absolute love and I will give you mine
dhmig: I'm not a tiger
dhmig: It is in their eyes that magic resides (Arthur Symons)
dhmig: Cats know how to obtain food without labour, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties (Walter L. George)
dhmig: There is nothing sweeter than her peace when at rest ... there is nothing brisker than her life when in motion (Christopher Smart)
dhmig: What greater gift than the love of a cat? (Charles Dickens)
dhmig: The cat was created when the lion sneezed (Arab myth)
dhmig: The real objection to the great majority of cats is their insufferable air of superiority (Pelham G. Wodehouse)
dhmig: iMIAO
dhmig: Sophie
dhmig: Lulo