dhgatsby: Side: 37 Weeks = 21 Days
dhgatsby: Frontal: 37 Weeks = 21 Days
dhgatsby: I "heart" Baby G
dhgatsby: New Rocker
dhgatsby: 3 hours old
dhgatsby: New Mom and Hadley
dhgatsby: New Dad and Hadley
dhgatsby: me so happy
dhgatsby: mom and hadley day 2
dhgatsby: me so tired
dhgatsby: Same shot, different day
dhgatsby: birthing 2007 style
dhgatsby: Hadley takes the floor.
dhgatsby: Boogie woogie
dhgatsby: Raise your hands and say yeah!
dhgatsby: Elves need burping too
dhgatsby: Dad and Hadley celebrating the season
dhgatsby: Mom and daughter
dhgatsby: Active Time is Fun
dhgatsby: Is that warm bottle?
dhgatsby: getting to be good pals now
dhgatsby: the g-man and hadley are buds
dhgatsby: what! are you doing?
dhgatsby: clap, clap, snap, snap, tickle, tickle, kiss!
dhgatsby: active time
dhgatsby: mom's funny
dhgatsby: i'm still laughing...even if my tongue is in the way
dhgatsby: on the rollercoaster ride....of babydome
dhgatsby: Toy party
dhgatsby: mither g in the sun