Badly Drawn Dad:
Sir Richard Stilgoe
Badly Drawn Dad:
Watts Gallery
Badly Drawn Dad:
A. Motion, G.F. Watts
Badly Drawn Dad:
Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Door to Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Dedication stone, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
The ceiling, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
One of the four decorated panels, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
One of the four decorated panels, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Panel detail
Badly Drawn Dad:
Dedication stone, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tree of Life, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Terracotta detail, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Memorial cloister, Watts Cemetery
Badly Drawn Dad:
Memorial cloister, Watts Cemetery
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tree of Life detail, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Terracotta detail, Watts Chapel
Badly Drawn Dad:
Daughters of Theia