Badly Drawn Dad:
Alabaster jar with cartouches
Badly Drawn Dad:
Inlaid wooden cartouche box
Badly Drawn Dad:
Spouted vases in dark blue faience
Badly Drawn Dad:
Hunting fan, gold on wood
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tutankhamun figurine, hunting on a boat
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tutankhamun as a sphinx
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tutankhamun on a panther
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tutankhamun, standing statuette
Badly Drawn Dad:
Solar Hawk Horus figure
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tutankhamun, standing statuette
Badly Drawn Dad:
Squatting figure of King Amenhotep III
Badly Drawn Dad:
Squatting figure of King Amenhotep III
Badly Drawn Dad:
Gilded wooden statue of Ptah
Badly Drawn Dad:
Hawk and jackal deities
Badly Drawn Dad:
Wooden guardian statue of the Ka of Tutankhamun
Badly Drawn Dad:
Wooden guardian statue of the Ka of Tutankhamun
Badly Drawn Dad:
Badly Drawn Dad:
Canopic objects
Badly Drawn Dad:
Gold inlaid canopic coffinette of Tutankhamun
Badly Drawn Dad:
Calcite stopper for canopic jar
Badly Drawn Dad:
Wooden Shabti
Badly Drawn Dad:
Tutankhamun's mummy decorations
Badly Drawn Dad:
Wooden Shabti
Badly Drawn Dad:
Scarab pectoral
Badly Drawn Dad:
Winged scarab pectoral
Badly Drawn Dad:
Scarab bracelet
Badly Drawn Dad:
Hawk collar
Badly Drawn Dad:
Scarab and Thoth pectoral
Badly Drawn Dad:
Sun and boat pectoral
Badly Drawn Dad:
Vulture and falcon