Badly Drawn Dad: Common Basilisk, juvenile
Badly Drawn Dad: Water Hyacinth at Esquinas Rainforest Lodge
Badly Drawn Dad: During the day, the bats hang out behind the bar
Badly Drawn Dad: During the day, the bats hang out behind the bar
Badly Drawn Dad: During the day, the bats hang out behind the bar
Badly Drawn Dad: Common Basilisk, juvenile
Badly Drawn Dad: Common Basilisk, juvenile
Badly Drawn Dad: Common Basilisk, juvenile
Badly Drawn Dad: Leafcutter Ants
Badly Drawn Dad: Green Iguana (female)
Badly Drawn Dad: Crested Guan
Badly Drawn Dad: Two Grasshoppers
Badly Drawn Dad: Black-backed Frog, possibly
Badly Drawn Dad: Hummingbird
Badly Drawn Dad: Hummingbird on Heliconia
Badly Drawn Dad: 'Starry Night' Hamadryas butterfly
Badly Drawn Dad: Waterlilies
Badly Drawn Dad: Tent-making Bat
Badly Drawn Dad: Hummingbird nest
Badly Drawn Dad: Citrus compost pit, Esquinas Rainforest Lodge
Badly Drawn Dad: Wild banana
Badly Drawn Dad: Cherrie's Tanager
Badly Drawn Dad: Assassin Bug 'Bee Killer'
Badly Drawn Dad: Welcome!
Badly Drawn Dad: Scarlet-rumped Tanager (male)
Badly Drawn Dad: Star-fruit tree
Badly Drawn Dad: Northern Jacana