dhaivyd13: High Falls, Tettegouche State Park, MN
dhaivyd13: Rich
dhaivyd13: Loon 2
dhaivyd13: Loon 3
dhaivyd13: Loon 4
dhaivyd13: Rich reads maps in the tent
dhaivyd13: Swans 3
dhaivyd13: Swan full wing spread
dhaivyd13: Swan partial wing spread
dhaivyd13: Swans 7
dhaivyd13: Natural massage
dhaivyd13: Swans 3-10
dhaivyd13: Rich at campsite
dhaivyd13: River Lake Island South site - rock fissure and cedar root
dhaivyd13: Still Life 1
dhaivyd13: Fishdance petroglyph cliff area
dhaivyd13: Petroglyph on Fishdance Lake
dhaivyd13: Sunset on Thomas Lake
dhaivyd13: Frog on a paddle...and Rich
dhaivyd13: Boulder Lake Island site backyard
dhaivyd13: Tree moss
dhaivyd13: Clothesline at Boulder Lake site after rainy travel day