DAM_Photography: Old lock
DAM_Photography: Water faucet
DAM_Photography: butterfly
DAM_Photography: Up close
DAM_Photography: Keyboard
DAM_Photography: No water
DAM_Photography: Down the drain
DAM_Photography: Grassy plains
DAM_Photography: Zen Garden
DAM_Photography: Rake in the sand
DAM_Photography: B&W (kinda)
DAM_Photography: Paint chips
DAM_Photography: Spider web
DAM_Photography: Another lock
DAM_Photography: Door knob
DAM_Photography: up close and personal
DAM_Photography: greenery
DAM_Photography: Rays of sunshine
DAM_Photography: Grease drop
DAM_Photography: the mighty rock
DAM_Photography: Red shoe
DAM_Photography: Red shoe
DAM_Photography: San Luis Obispo
DAM_Photography: Elderwood
DAM_Photography: Rocky road