ph+bb: in the boat - lou excited
ph+bb: arrived
ph+bb: multi view from 1st room
ph+bb: lu favorite
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: lu waiting
ph+bb: 2nd room
ph+bb: E-NE view from 2nd room
ph+bb: N view from 2nd room
ph+bb: talking to sophie on 2nd room balcony
ph+bb: untitled
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: kitty
ph+bb: bike in rethymnon
ph+bb: ph
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: rethymnon
ph+bb: palea poly
ph+bb: top view of rethymnon
ph+bb: DSCF1347.jpg
ph+bb: DSCF1348.jpg
ph+bb: spitli