d.grays: Denise-12-1-2010
d.grays: Denise 12-2-2010
d.grays: Denise 12-3-10
d.grays: Green means go 12-4-10
d.grays: Its the pits
d.grays: 12-6-10 Kaia my pooch
d.grays: 7/365 in Old Town how cliche
d.grays: Happy Birthday Alisha!
d.grays: 9/365 Mural
d.grays: 12-10-10 Very Kansas-y Mural
d.grays: 11/365 Treasures of the Heart Mural
d.grays: Whipping my SS
d.grays: Sarah & 'McKenzie' 12-13-10
d.grays: Complimentary coffee 14/365
d.grays: Self portrait 2 12-15-10
d.grays: Pb cookies 12-16-10
d.grays: Emily at Clifton Square 12-17-10
d.grays: Sign Behind The Donut Whole 18/365
d.grays: 19/365 Angela at Birthday Party
d.grays: Robin
d.grays: Fritzy under the tree
d.grays: At the movies 22/365
d.grays: When all else fails, self portrait 23/365
d.grays: Top of the (Gander) Mountain
d.grays: Xmas guitar hero
d.grays: 26/365 Cargill
d.grays: 27/365 north b'way gas station
d.grays: 28/365 Lost In (Parking) Space a self portrait
d.grays: Sarah & Pooch
d.grays: Spangles is wok n cool