diggums: Blue sky!
diggums: The loneliness of the WHW runner. iainleaving Glencoe checkpoint
diggums: The finest support crew at whw2012
diggums: P1030113
diggums: P1030111
diggums: Lundavra at about 2330
diggums: Iain arriving at Bridge of Orchy checkpoint
diggums: that shot people take at Buachaile Etive Mhor
diggums: Setting off up Devil's Staircase
diggums: Quite tired.
diggums: The finish line - Iain and Matt
diggums: Iain Leaving Bridge of Orchy
diggums: A lightweight support crew catching some zeds at the Real Food Cafe in Tyndrum
diggums: Matt, Iain, Ewan, goblets
diggums: iain picking up his finisher goblet.
diggums: ewan picking up his goblet
diggums: Kinlochleven Midgemaskman
diggums: Midges on Eileen's jacket, Kinlochleven
diggums: Gush, Kinlochleven
diggums: Runners at Buchaille Etive Mhor, mile 75ish
diggums: Bridge over Orchy
diggums: Auchtertyre checkpoint. V wet.