diggums: bayon external
diggums: bayon face
diggums: bayon external
diggums: bayon faces
diggums: bayon faces
diggums: bayon face
diggums: bayon faces
diggums: bayon temple
diggums: bayon temple - may be from east gate
diggums: angkor wat sunrise
diggums: angkor wat west gate approach
diggums: ann on pnomh penh boat to siem reap
diggums: dave on pnomh penh boat to siem reap
diggums: angkor wat complex - terrace of the elephants
diggums: angkor wat complex - terrace of the elephants
diggums: angkor wat complex - terrace of the elephants
diggums: angkor wat complex - terrace of the elephants
diggums: angkor thom north gate
diggums: angkor thom north gate
diggums: angkor thom north gate
diggums: thommanon
diggums: postcard seller, angkor wat complex
diggums: postcard sellers get short shrift, angkor wat complex
diggums: angkor wat sunrise ii
diggums: south gate approach over angkor wat moat
diggums: south gate, angkor thom
diggums: ta prohm
diggums: ann and dave outside ta prohm
diggums: ta prohm
diggums: ann jolly at ta prohm