dano_photos1: Common Goldeneye
dano_photos1: Harlequin Duck
dano_photos1: Ruddy Duck
dano_photos1: Redhead
dano_photos1: Hooded Merganser
dano_photos1: Pine Grosbeak
dano_photos1: Merlin
dano_photos1: Juvenile Bald Eagle
dano_photos1: Chilly step for a Great Blue Heron
dano_photos1: Adult Bald Eagle
dano_photos1: Cooper's Hawk, caught in the act
dano_photos1: Horned Grebe
dano_photos1: Swallow-tailed Kite
dano_photos1: Snacking Limpkin
dano_photos1: Osprey
dano_photos1: GBH, coming in for a landing
dano_photos1: Osprey, with catch
dano_photos1: Great Blue Heron
dano_photos1: Great Blue Heron
dano_photos1: Eastern Towhee
dano_photos1: Yellow Warbler
dano_photos1: Magnolia Warbler
dano_photos1: Piping Plover
dano_photos1: Piping Plovers
dano_photos1: Least Terns, nesting
dano_photos1: Piping Plover, chick
dano_photos1: Eastern Kingbird
dano_photos1: Black-necked Stilt
dano_photos1: Swainson's Hawk