dano_photos1: American White Pelican, splashdown
dano_photos1: Sunset with Pelican
dano_photos1: Snowy Egret
dano_photos1: Snowy Plover
dano_photos1: Bald Eagle
dano_photos1: Bald Eagle
dano_photos1: Bald Eagle
dano_photos1: Roseate Spoonbill
dano_photos1: Osprey
dano_photos1: White Ibis
dano_photos1: Wildflowers
dano_photos1: Sanibel Lighthouse
dano_photos1: Great Egret
dano_photos1: Sanibel beach sunset
dano_photos1: Painted Bunting
dano_photos1: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
dano_photos1: Momma and kiddo raccoons
dano_photos1: Limpkin
dano_photos1: Grasshopper
dano_photos1: Red shouldered Hawk
dano_photos1: Black Skimmer
dano_photos1: Willet (I think)
dano_photos1: Black Skimmer
dano_photos1: Black Skimmers
dano_photos1: Marbled Godwit
dano_photos1: Black Skimmer
dano_photos1: Osprey
dano_photos1: American Kestrel
dano_photos1: Little Blue Heron