dgj103: Borrowdale valley 2
dgj103: Borrowdale valley
dgj103: Borrowdale Valley River - Near Trail to the Cave cache
dgj103: Borrowdale Valley - Strange Rocks
dgj103: Borowdale valley
dgj103: Bleaberry tarn 2
dgj103: Bleaberry Tarn and Buttermere - from Red Pike
dgj103: Bleaberry Tarn
dgj103: B5289 Memorial stone
dgj103: Ashness Bridge
dgj103: Ant teamwork - Ashness Bridge 2
dgj103: Ant Teamwork - Ashness bridge
dgj103: Catbells across to derwent
dgj103: climbing up to the secret cave
dgj103: buttermere village from red pike
dgj103: buttermere from red pike 2
dgj103: buttermere from red pike
dgj103: Braithwaite from the hills
dgj103: Brookside cottage - from the back
dgj103: Bratihwaite from the hill
dgj103: Coledale Beck
dgj103: Braithwaite Roadsign
dgj103: books
dgj103: Ants at the Lake District
dgj103: More ducks
dgj103: mugs
dgj103: Looking down from the secret cave
dgj103: From Surprise View towards Keswick
dgj103: from surprise view to catbells
dgj103: Looking to Crummock Water from Red Pike