Geo Dog: Melrose Abbey
Geo Dog: Lindsay (a Place in the Sun)
Geo Dog: Big/Small/Random
Geo Dog: DSC_0652 thresh
Geo Dog: searching for soil - b&w
Geo Dog: Celtic Cross 2
Geo Dog: Winter Night Moon
Geo Dog: Dunrobin BW2
Geo Dog: Tracks
Geo Dog: Arch Detail
Geo Dog: Spiral Skeleton
Geo Dog: Nacht-02
Geo Dog: Moses Cone Carriage Road
Geo Dog: Fixer-upper
Geo Dog: After the Snow Falls Away
Geo Dog: Telus-sphere B&W
Geo Dog: Drifted II
Geo Dog: Relief (Releaf)
Geo Dog: Looking Out Toward the Peak - BW
Geo Dog: Looking Up -BW
Geo Dog: Stack - BW
Geo Dog: DGC_0809 - BW
Geo Dog: Ornithography - BW
Geo Dog: The Heart is Where You Find It - BW
Geo Dog: Celtic Cross - BW
Geo Dog: Playing with Light and Dark
Geo Dog: Blowing Sands
Geo Dog: Light Waves
Geo Dog: Sand Bars
Geo Dog: Only a Shadow of My Usually Happy Self...