Coach Ota: America's Army promotional area
Coach Ota: Ads greet E3 attendees outside
Coach Ota: Crowds waiting to get inside the West Hall
Coach Ota: PS3 demo area before the crowds get in
Coach Ota: Everyone's a reporter these days
Coach Ota: PS3 area, with previews screen in HD
Coach Ota: Lots of reports covering PS3 demos
Coach Ota: PSP video camera
Coach Ota: PSPs were available in simulated venues
Coach Ota: PS3 demo area
Coach Ota: Gran Turismo HD
Coach Ota: DS players line up for free cases
Coach Ota: Nintendo booth
Coach Ota: Guitar Hero II
Coach Ota: Nintendo Wii wait companion
Coach Ota: PS3 cases
Coach Ota: The Rock, now starring in video games
Coach Ota: Must be pretty heavy armor...
Coach Ota: Classic portable video games
Coach Ota: Alternative keyboards for gaming
Coach Ota: Who buys these kind of things?
Coach Ota: Speaker filled chairs
Coach Ota: The Witcher
Coach Ota: Nordic Gaming Association presents: free beer and wine!
Coach Ota: PSP mounts for cars
Coach Ota: Real world gaming devices
Coach Ota: SOCOM: Combined Assualt, online cooperative play for PS2
Coach Ota: Viva Piñata demo, creature sim game for Xbox 360
Coach Ota: Lumines Live, music puzzle game for Xbox 360
Coach Ota: Nobody wants to embarrass themselves playing DDR