DGA Productions:
Slow dolly creep
DGA Productions:
Dan on the couch
DGA Productions:
NH Lottery Feb 2014-32
DGA Productions:
Standing by to work
DGA Productions:
DGA Productions:
Scheff AC
DGA Productions:
Happy Doyle
DGA Productions:
Catharine Uyenoyama
DGA Productions:
Catharine and Elena
DGA Productions:
Catharine, Bond, Elena
DGA Productions:
Doyle and Catharine
DGA Productions:
Tyler York clowning
DGA Productions:
Scheff checking focus-2
DGA Productions:
Smiling Rose
DGA Productions:
Wide set
DGA Productions:
Sally Meehan
DGA Productions:
Dancing Sally
DGA Productions:
Andrew checks it out
DGA Productions:
Full set shot
DGA Productions:
Leila Stricker
DGA Productions:
Leila Stricker tight
DGA Productions:
GYK folks
DGA Productions:
Gyk brain trust-2
DGA Productions:
GYK women
DGA Productions:
Nick Kolinsky
DGA Productions:
Catharine, Brenda, Elena