David Freuthal: Monarch butterfly.
David Freuthal: Monarch butterfly.
David Freuthal: Yellow-rumped Warbler.
David Freuthal: Yellow-rumped Warbler.
David Freuthal: IMG_1737-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Splish splash taking a bath. IMG_1761-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Splish splash taking a bath. IMG_1768-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Song Sparrow taking a bath. IMG_1770-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Yellow-rumped Warbler. IMG_1786-1.jpg
David Freuthal: House Finch.
David Freuthal: Cabbage White butterfly. IMG_1808-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Sanderling. IMG_1880-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Sanderling.
David Freuthal: IMG_1894-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_1921-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_1952-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Sanderling.
David Freuthal: Sanderling. IMG_2016-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Sanderlings and Dunlins. IMG_2032-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Comming in for a landing. IMG_2041-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_2051-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_2055-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_2057-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_2059-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_2059-3.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_2070-1.jpg
David Freuthal: A flock of Sanderlings. IMG_2080-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Gulls and Sanderling. IMG_2083-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Taking a walk on the beach.
David Freuthal: IMG_2101-1.jpg