David Freuthal: The Travelers Tower. IMG_7295-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Reflections. IMG_7294-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Connecticut Science Center. IMG_8315-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_7306-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Arches. IMG_7450-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Abstract. IMG_7475_crop-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Founders Bridge.
David Freuthal: IMG_8321-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_8361-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Connecticut river
David Freuthal: IMG_8367-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_8394-1.jpg
David Freuthal: IMG_8396-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Early fall colors. IMG_8423-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Reflections. IMG_8446-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Reflection. IMG_8462-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Abstract reflection. IMG_8462-2.jpg
David Freuthal: Travelers tower and the Phoenix building. IMG_8492-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Hartford sunset. IMG_8620-1.jpg
David Freuthal: Connecticut Science Center.
David Freuthal: Time exposure cityscape.
David Freuthal: Constitution Plaza fountain.