dawn frary: Creek.
dawn frary: Benton St.
dawn frary: Caution.
dawn frary: Caution.
dawn frary: Benton Street, looking west.
dawn frary: East Benton Street.
dawn frary: Gas station.
dawn frary: Good thing they sandbagged...
dawn frary: Whirly-bird.
dawn frary: DSC_0014
dawn frary: Helicopter.
dawn frary: Benton St. Bridge detour.
dawn frary: Taking a stroll.
dawn frary: Gas station.
dawn frary: Pumps.
dawn frary: Road block on Benton St.
dawn frary: Down to the bare bones.
dawn frary: More like "no turn."
dawn frary: Lots of water.
dawn frary: Bus stop.
dawn frary: Sandbagged shop.
dawn frary: Sandbags.
dawn frary: Looking down toward the Johnson Co. Animal Shelter.
dawn frary: Road closed at Gilbert and Kirkwood.
dawn frary: Intersection of Gilbert and Kirkwood - closed.
dawn frary: Sandbaggers.
dawn frary: Closed due to flooding.
dawn frary: Closed until further notice.
dawn frary: Road closed (with rainbows!).
dawn frary: Overlooking N. Dubuque and City Park area.