Dave Smith: 05:15am - Early Start
Dave Smith: Magdalen College
Dave Smith: Magdalen Tower
Dave Smith: Sunrise Hitting Magdalen Tower
Dave Smith: Wispy Clouds
Dave Smith: Magdalen Tower Spires
Dave Smith: Ballooooon
Dave Smith: 0617am - Bells Ringing, Crowd Disperses
Dave Smith: Magdalen Tower
Dave Smith: Keep Left
Dave Smith: May Morning in Oxford
Dave Smith: Choir Boys at the top of Magdelene Tower
Dave Smith: Choir Boys Up Magdelene Tower
Dave Smith: May Morning in Oxford
Dave Smith: 0630am Crowd
Dave Smith: Spinning
Dave Smith: Carnival
Dave Smith: Carnival
Dave Smith: Morning Drums
Dave Smith: May Morning in Oxford
Dave Smith: Reach
Dave Smith: Horns Of Plenty
Dave Smith: Horns Of Plenty
Dave Smith: Feather In His Hat
Dave Smith: Horns Of Plenty
Dave Smith: Horns Of Plenty
Dave Smith: Horns Of Plenty
Dave Smith: Redcliffe Camera
Dave Smith: Crowds watching Morris Dancers
Dave Smith: Got somewhere to be...