Dave Smith: A Large Crowd
Dave Smith: The stage
Dave Smith: The biggest venue he's ever played
Dave Smith: Stories For The Wobbly Hearted
Dave Smith: Face in the crowd?
Dave Smith: Face in the crowd?
Dave Smith: Face in the crowd?
Dave Smith: Storytelling
Dave Smith: By The Book
Dave Smith: After the event
Dave Smith: Arriving to a shiney, recently refurbed station
Dave Smith: The Stage Is Set
Dave Smith: Face In The Crowd 2008 pt. 1
Dave Smith: Face In The Crowd 2008 pt. 2
Dave Smith: Explaination
Dave Smith: Listening to Gavin
Dave Smith: "I'm not this short..."
Dave Smith: Pausing
Dave Smith: Empty Stage
Dave Smith: The Stage
Dave Smith: Crowd Shot
Dave Smith: Crowd Shot
Dave Smith: Crowd Shot
Dave Smith: Crowd Shot
Dave Smith: "...Genuinely pleased you've come..."
Dave Smith: Listening
Dave Smith: Roses
Dave Smith: Crowd Shot 1
Dave Smith: Crowd Shot 2