Dave Smith: BBC TV Centre CAR 1961
Dave Smith: NTA, Off-Air, March 2000
Dave Smith: NTA, Off-Air, March 2000
Dave Smith: NTA, Off-Air, March 2000
Dave Smith: NTA, Off-Air, March 2000
Dave Smith: Sshhh! They're sleeping!
Dave Smith: In BBC TV-Centre Basement
Dave Smith: TVC1, hanging off the TVC Roof
Dave Smith: Super-wide shot of CCA's large monitor stack during Live8
Dave Smith: Peeping over the edge
Dave Smith: Work @ Night
Dave Smith: It's been parked up at work all week
Dave Smith: Media Frenzy
Dave Smith: Alan Johnson Freed
Dave Smith: Alan Johnson Freed
Dave Smith: Big turn-out
Dave Smith: Main audio distribution frame in CCA
Dave Smith: Tag!
Dave Smith: Doughnut Reflections
Dave Smith: Circular Sky
Dave Smith: Doughnut Squeeze
Dave Smith: *Brrrrrrinnggggggg*......
Dave Smith: Bunting
Dave Smith: BBC TV Centre contains a tiny BBC TV Centre!
Dave Smith: An Olympic task
Dave Smith: Not bad for a days work.. we can now do an Olympics!
Dave Smith: Sound And Vision
Dave Smith: Olympics Audio Plugging