Dave Smith: Battersea Power Station seen from Chelsea Bridge
Dave Smith: _18_00073
Dave Smith: _02_00033
Dave Smith: Battersea Power Station and other industrial buildings in Battersea Park Road
Dave Smith: Battersea Power Station and other industrial buildings in Battersea Park Road
Dave Smith: An "over the wall" shot of the Battersea Power Station site
Dave Smith: A very sad place
Dave Smith: _20_00071
Dave Smith: Triple-exposure, colour filtered shot of Battersea Powerstation
Dave Smith: Structure outside the MI5 building on the Thames
Dave Smith: _20_00051
Dave Smith: _23_00053
Dave Smith: Red filtered Union Flag....
Dave Smith: Union Flag, unfiltered. Compare the effect on the colours....
Dave Smith: An artist concentrating deeply in the hot sun
Dave Smith: Boats an sunlight at play on the Thames
Dave Smith: Sad Lion
Dave Smith: Red-filtered view towards Parliment
Dave Smith: Big Ben, backlit