DFID - UK Department for International Development: International Development Minister Grant Shapps visits Malakal, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: International Development Minister Grant Shapps visits Malakal, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: International Development Minister Grant Shapps visits Malakal, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: An International Medical Corps clinical officer treats a man with a head injury in South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: International Medical Corps nurses treat a man who was attacked within the UN base in Malakal, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: A child is screened for malnutrition by an International Medical Corps assessment team in South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: A child's upper arm circumference is measured by International Medical Corps staff in Malakal, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Two mothers wait with their children outside the International Medical Corps clinic in Kalthok, Awerial County, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: An International Medical Corps nurse treats a young girl injured in the fighting in South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: An International Medical Corps nurse watches while doctors from a UN Indian Army peacekeeping team prepare painkillers for a young girl injured in South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: An International Medical Corps nurse takes an injured girl to the emergency operating theatre in the UN hospital in Malakal, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Refugees queue for water in the Jamam camp, South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: The scale of the problem: Jamam refugee camp from the air
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Working with UNHCR to help refugees in South Sudan
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Getting food to vulnerable people displaced by conflict
DFID - UK Department for International Development: UK aid helping to avert a humanitarian disaster
DFID - UK Department for International Development: "We left because of the war. We walked for eight days to get to the border"
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Children queue for water in the Jamam refugee camp
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Infographic: South Sudan Key stats inside the camps